A Letter from 2020

Maegan Tomela Burke
2 min readMar 22, 2022


I often write letters to Future M(a)e using FutureMe.org. In fact, I’m going to write one right after this is posted to celebrate the Spring Equinox aka New Year partie deux.

I wrote this letter to myself December 14, 2020 in Playa del Carmen, Maexico and received it in my inbox on March 20, 2021 (when I was living in a new, airy apartment with yummy snacks). I had no idea at the time that I was hosting an event that would turn into an entire business and that I’d get to help women all around the world create the lives and businesses of their dreams.

Extra fun to note: I was planning my very first Mae Day and my homie Candace did in fact lead the workout. I raised over $500 for Planned Parenthood of New England and we’ve been homies ever since.

I’m currently planning the first in-person Mae Day for my friends and me so rereading this letter today gave me all the feels. I had no idea when writing it that my life was about to drastically change.

Hey Future Mae!

It’s you! You’re currently chillin in bed, smoking, watching RHOBH S02E13 and designing social media header images. The music at the little bar next door is playing music so loudly that I can feel it (it’s 1:34pm) so I hope that you’re settled into our new apartment and LOVING IT. There’s a breeze flowing through the apartment, a bunch of sunlight, maybe a sexy man sitting silently nearby and many yummy snacks. Have you lost weight? How’s your mental? How’s the business doing?

You just launched the Track Your Way to Success happy hour, your first digital event! I’m so excited to see what comes of this. It feels really aligned with my spirit, I’ve maed great money so far and I’m really happy to help people with this event series. I can truly see myself making an impact in a fun way and that’s as blessed as I could ever be.

ANYWAY — the whole point of this letter was to remind you that this year will be your first annual fundraising birthday event. To continue with your tradition of birthday workouts, you’ll host a virtual workout for your friends (no social posts) with a goal of getting 30 people signed up for $20 a piece. All proceeds will go to a foundation of your choice. Maybe Casa Mama Yeami? The instructor wouldn’t be paid since it’s a fundraiser — I think Candace would be down for it.

So get to work! Start by reaching out to Candace to see if she’s down and create a hidden product page on your website for your friends to get tickets.

Love you, you’re the shit. Stay happy.



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