📨 Friday Report II — 1.15.21

Maegan Tomela Burke
4 min readFeb 8, 2022


Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.

Hola mi gente!

How you living? Any new projects? How are you keeping your spirits up? Most importantly — what’s been your drink of choice lately? 😈 I haven’t been drinking much lately so I’m living vicariously through you.

Thank you SO much for your feedback and thoughtful responses to the inaugural Friday Report. I love love LOVE hearing about what’s going on with you, good or bad, and I’m honored that you feel comfortable enough to share such intimate details with me.

By request, I’ve added a few new components to the Friday Report. Let’s dive in!

To recap…

  • The wildest piece of news this week most relevant to me and my lifestyle was the announcement that proof of a negative covid-19 test will be required to enter the US starting January 26th. The wildest part of this piece of news is that this requirement wasn’t put into place in May. I also don’t understand why they announced this prior to the date because I know so many people now altering their travel plans to make sure they enter The States by January 25th. Make it make sense.
  • Slightly random, but hip hop is always relevant. A friend put me on to this beautifully presented deep-dive by Vox into creative rhyming structures by some of our favorite rap artists. I cannot stress enough — you will not be disappointed and whoever put this together needs a raise.
  • A hometown friend has created satin-lined scrub caps for healthcare workers to protect their hair and all I can say is “GENIUS”!
  • Lastly and also very random: this documentary that I discovered this week called Inside Job (it’s narrated by Matt Damon 🤤) is the greatest explanation I’ve ever received on the housing crisis and recession that started in 2007. Mind you, a big reason why I chose to major in economics was because I had the opportunity to study it during a global recession. If you want to nerd out and get very, very angry about the powers that be who run this country, I highly recommend it.

What’s up with me?

  • Well, I never made it to that island. Instead I got bronchitis and have been home super sick all week. I even had to buy my own nebulizer, what a geek?! The hardest part is that even though it’s not covid, I can’t go outside much because can you imagine what people would do to me if I started hacking my lungs out in the middle of a pandemic?
  • I’m literally praying to the Universe that I’ll be able to start my 6-week fitness program on Monday. I feel so weak and although I’m losing weight, I’m also losing muscle and I’m skressed. I know that patience is key but fuck. The worst part is that we have a Facebook group to share our progress with our peers and everyone seems to be having so much fun. 😢 #FOMO
  • To get my body used to activity again, tomorrow I’m going to start this beautiful 5-day yoga program that my homie Desiree created. It’s perfect for any yogi, but especially for those who don’t have much time to dedicate to the practice. Each day, your list of movements and reflections are delivered to your email inbox. Can’t get any simpler.
  • This Sunday I’m recommitting to my weekly clean ups. Each week I sit down and clean up my email inboxes, update my money spreadsheet, setup my Passion Planner for the week, clean up my notes, downloads, photos and more. For accountability purposes, I’ll be hosting a free and informal Zoom meetup on Sunday at noon EST if you want to join me in starting your year with a healthy new habit. Reply to this email with “add me to the invite” if you wanna play. We have a group of over 10 beautiful humans already and I’m so excited.
  • Speaking of excitement, my first cooking class went live today at noon and it’s almost sold out. 😅 How did I get so blessed? I’ve gone through SO much trial and error during my 11-year veggie journey and I can’t wait to share with the homies. The class is appropriate for all types of diets and if you weren’t convinced — we’re making pasta. 🤤

Quote of the Week

I meant to mention this quote from mi amiga Blaine last week:

“If you didn’t bring it with you, you won’t find it here.” This applies to everything in life, but it especially means a lot to me in regards to relationships.​

And for this week, I got this from Bad Bunny via Sarah:

“La vida es un ciclo y lo que no sirve yo no lo reciclo.” — “Life is a cycle and what doesn’t work, I don’t recycle.”


Track of the Week

I cannot stop listening to WizKid’s latest album, but Essence in particular has been on repeatttt!

That’s it for me! I hope next week I can tell you all about how my friend Eliza helped me setup the most organized Notion workspace of my dreams. In the meantime…

Stay dope and stay you,



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