📨 Friday Report II.III — 3.18.22
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.
Happy Full Moon, homies! 🌕
Missed me? It feels so weird to send these reports biweekly, but I’m on a mission to diversify my media presence so it is what it is.
In fact, my Productivity Haus (PH) mission was to expand my digital presence and since the start of PH 8 weeks ago I’ve published 5 podcast episodes (I’ve recorded 9 in total), published 70+ Medium articles and dove into project planning my next creative launch.
All while coaching a group of ambitious women, launching courses because I wanna and somehow maintaining my morning routine + making time to play in the streets.
I’m not really sure how, but I’m just riding this wave. I’ve had so many downloads and maepiphanies lately that I’ve had to take some days to just stare at the ceiling or wander Maedellin.
I’ve realized that I have a deep fear of my potential and my success. I’ve dedicated the past couple of years to leveling up my life and it’s been maed super clear that not everyone can come with me. Although, in theory, I have no problem with that, in practice I guess I’m mourning relationships that haven’t even died yet.
With releasing relationships comes releasing limiting beliefs and self-sabotage. My career is founded on strategically mapping shit out which means I can sometimes get overwhelmed tackling to do’s and challenges that aren’t even here. This can look like creating a false sense of urgency for myself and rushing through the process of becoming the human I want to be.
And we already know that this journey never ends so we really do gotta trust the process, enjoy the journey, [insert motivational quote here], etc.
And I’m cool with that. I really am. I appreciate the human I am now while looking forward to the one I will be.
I’ve never seen my life change at such a rapid pace before and while that’s dope, that’s scary as fuck because also, I’m just tryna chill — ya know?
So maybe I’m overwhelmed by the amount of work to come or maybe I’m overwhelmed by facing the fact that I’m going to ask for help. I’m great at many things, but getting help is not one of them. I know that with ease and efficiency comes a team to support me, but…ya girl got trust issues (or trust solutions as I like to call them 😏).
I’m not really sure what’s next tbh, but I’m sooo down for the ride. 🌊 I love this shit. I’ve been dedicated to self improvement since I was a kid and I feel so blessed to be able to help others by helping myself.
Whatever’s next, you know I’m gonna keep you updated. Until the next maepiphany…
💻 Let’s dive in!
- While we’re on the topic of fearing success, I highly recommend this quick pod. It articulated my mindset in a way that I’ve never been able to.
- Bruh. For obvious reasons Virgil Abloh is iconic, but this guy maed time before he passed to create a free guide called Free Game. It’s a full digital library of what’s needed to start a business/brand. It is my educator dream come true.
- This TikTok dissertation on Mojo Jojo of Powerpuff Girls fame is well-worth a minute of your time.
- “The number of Black-owned businesses in the U.S. is currently more than 30% higher than pre-pandemic levels. And that growth is being driven by Black women.”
- TikTok put me on to this track and now I’m obsessed with this Korean band, wave to earth:
💁🏾♀️ What’s up with me?
- I’m keeping on with my mission to show up in a diverse set of digital spaces so I’m in the midst of a self-imposed Medium challenge. 14 days and 14 articles to go.
- I’ve gotten heavy into EFT tapping. I’ve been starting my days with my homie Brad, check him out. On Monday, I completed a one-hour group session and then did a 1-hour sola sesh on Wednesday and lord. Idk how this shit works, but it’s an emotional ride. In a great way though. It’s really helped me move through my subconscious and hidden emotions.
- I deleted all social media off my phone today as part of my 14-day Money Mindset Makeover with The Selfish Reset. Each day we get a quick set of action-items designed to help us welcome abundance. Registration is closed for the Reset, but you can complete the makeover on your own if you’re looking to welcome more cash into your pockets by loving yourself a bit more.
- I had to get my first vax to come back into Colombia and I’m still distraught about it. 😩 Super excited that I can travel to more places now tho. 🛫
🛍️ Buy of the Week
I copped the cutesttt laptop case a few weeks ago. They have a few different options and so far I really like it. Super durable and again — so cute. 😍 They are a bit thick so keep that in mind if you carry your laptop in small bags. They’re sleek enough for a backpack or tote.
📝 Lesson of the Week
My LOTW is to riiiiide the wave. 🌊 I’m in full grind mode and I love it. I really do enjoy what I do so I love when I’m in these moods and I can see how I’m getting more strategic.
Before I would just fill up time with new offers essentially creating more work for myself. Now I use these waves to preschedule content, nourish prospective clients and focus on projects that will help me in the long-run like enrolling in courses.
Trust. the. process. I can’t believe I’m here being strategic with my focus and shit. And this achievement is going to allow me to help others do the same? What a life?!
- Here’s this week’s episode of Maed with Intention. Candace and I (two very happy hustlers) shared our takes on hustle culture and how we maintain balance.
- To celebrate the Spring Equinox in a truly Maegan way, I’m hosting a digital spring cleaning on Sunday. You’ll start with an interactive workshop and create a routine for moving forward then we’ll dive into 2 Power Hours. If you’ve been struggling to get your affairs in order, join us! You gotta start somewhere, you got this.
And that’s it for me! You already know the routine. I’m going to light up once I hit send and binge Industry. It’s going to be glorious. I’m going to squeeze in some time to send a letter to Future Mae in honor of the full moon. I’m going to reflect on who I want to be in 6 months. I feel like I won’t even be able to recognize that woman when she’s here.
Here’s a meditation that I did this afternoon. I hope it helps you hear all of your desires.
Stay successful,