📨 Friday Report LII — 12.31.21
Happy New Year!!​
Ahhh, how MAGICAL?! It’s early in the evening right now, but I’m going to schedule this for just before midnight EST and mae be someone will bring in their new year with the Friday Report.
I can’t believe we’re at the 52nd Friday Report — I’ve never been so consistent with something in my life. Thank you to all of you who’ve been here for the entire ride. Thank you for letting me get vulnerable; thank you for celebrating my accomplishments and allowing me to celebrate yours.
I’m still not entirely sure wtf 2021 was, but I do know that it was beautiful. I maed new friends, I managed to still travel extensively in a pandy; I created a whole business; I put myself out there in new ways; and most importantly, I lived with love and a smile.
On the business side of the things: to anyone who purchased something of mine or promoted an offer or sent me a loving DM or sent your friends my way — thank you so much for supporting the business of my dreams! You mean the world to me. ❤️
Life Maed Easy is hands down my greatest accomplishment this year. I allowed myself to get confident and creative while always focusing on education and making a positive impact and for that, I am so proud.
I don’t know what I’m in for next year, but I know that it will be magic. ✨ And it’ll be my greatest year yet, I guarantee it.
I can make that promise because everyday I become an even more beautiful, abundant and peaceful version of myself. Why wouldn’t my life change as I do?
And to you I send you love, happiness, grace, patience and many laughs. I hope that you love yourself enough to dream big. That you love yourself enough to chase your desires, even if you’re scared of the responsibility that comes with having all that you ever dreamed of.
You won’t fuck the success up once it comes. You ever get the feeling that it’s not worth going after something because it seems like it’ll be too much work to maintain once you have it?
Let that go. You deserve your desires and you deserve them with ease.
Before you reflect on how you’re going to let good things happen for you with ease all 2022 and beyond…​
Let’s dive in!
- ​RIP Betty White! What a beautiful way to go at 99 and on New Year’s Eve? An iconic transition.
- ​Honestly the only gift I ever want.​
- ​How can someone be so talented that they can reverse engineer this and put it back together?​
- ​Dear 2022…​
- You know Lonely Planet, the website with travel guides and such? Check out how they got started; true hippie vibes. Iconic.
- Please just take a sec and scroll through this thread.​
What’s up with me?
- I’m a bit exhausted, if I’m being honest. I got to Maexico on Christmas and life has felt wild since. It’s no one’s fault but my own because I’m the only person responsible for my schedule so, all I can do is push through.
- I’m with some of my favorite humans and I’m so excited to bring in the new year with them. I usually try to spend NYE in a new country every year but decided to do Playa 2 years in a row because it’s just easy. I’ve only been gone for 6 weeks though and it’s already so different. In some ways, this city doesn’t even look how it did for NYE last year.
- My main focus has been the Selfish Reset! I’m so obsessed with all that we have going on. The women are kind, open, supportive, good-humored and an entire joy to work with. I feel so so blessed to bring in my new year with this course.
- I have some new offers coming to your inbox and I’m so hype for all the things. 2022 is more impact, more empowerment, more education (but while having fun) and I love that you’re here to enjoy the ride with me.​
Track of the Week
I’ve had this on repeat for a few weeks now and have been hesitant to make it a TOTW, but it’s deserving and it’s PartyNextDoor so c’mon. PND x Preme maed “Make a Mall” and Preme is soooo smooth. Enjoy on…
​Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube​​
- ​Last call for workshops! They’re coming down tomorrow.
And that’s it for me! Reminder: I’m taking a Friday Report break for January so you’ll receive your first report of the year on Feb. 4th. I look forward to updating you on my shenanigans.
Have I mentioned how much I love this holidae? 🥰 I’m all about making changes whenever I want, but the clean, fresh start of January 1st is undefeated — rivaled only with my birthday.
I sprained my ankle Wednesday night and it looks like my foot swallowed 2 golf balls so while my friends shake every inch of their asses, I’ll be somewhere posted pretty in a chair. I’ll still be shaking my ass though.
I hope that you bring in the new year how you want to whether that’s at a rave, home with your kids, on a yacht, in bed with your pets, asleep after a few glasses of wine — whatever you desire.
And I hope that you continue to prioritize your desires all 2022. You deserve it.
Happy New Year!
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.