📨 Friday Report XIV — 4.9.12

Maegan Tomela Burke
4 min readFeb 10, 2022


Joyeux vendredi!​

I feel like everyone around me, IRL + digitally, is feeling the abundant spring vibes. It’s like we’ve all got a pep in our step!

How you feeling? Hopeful? Ready to see the world again? Feeling wealthy?

Me too.

My birthday gift to myself this year is raising my prices. As I step into my abundance, I’ve realized that I have to do a better job at charging my worth, but IT’S HARD YOU GUYS! Luckily for me, I have great humans who keep me in check.

Power Hours have been imperative to my growth and productivity. I’m so thankful to all of the humans who join and WERK. Although the Power Hours are invaluable to me, I have to recognize that they very much so add value to the lives of those who join as well.

Here’s how it will go down. On April 15th, you’ll be able to purchase a Power Hour membership. This first round will run from May 1st — July 31st (reply to this with your email addy if you want to give them a try for the rest of April). On April 30th at midnight, membership is closed and you’ll have to wait for the next round. Tryna build community over here, you feel me?

(To all of my OGs reading this, I have a special offer for you coming to your inbox. Love you forever.)

You’ll pay a one-time fee of $39.99 to have Power Hour access for the 3 months. They’ll continue to be sporadic because I’m a spontaneous ass human and I truly believe that that’s what makes them so effective.

You never know when they’re coming.

I’ll hit you up on the 15th when the purchase page is live. Until then…​

Let’s dive in!

Quote of the week:

“Our blessings are the sum of our positive energy and good intentions.”​

-And with that, I’m infinitely blessed.​

What’s up with me?

  • My focus lately has been “reeling it in”. I have a habit of overcommitting myself because I know that I can do all of the things, but just because I can do it doesn’t mean that I have to do it.
  • On that note, I’ve decided not to host the 420 rolling class. The event means a lot to me, but will anyone die if I choose to go on vacation instead? Nope.
  • I’m so proud of myself for bringing on a team member early in the game because I couldn’t do any of this without Renny. She’s a godsend, we have similarly structured brains and I love watching her work with the interns the same way that I work with her. Appreciate you forever, Renny.
  • My reward for last week’s Goal Getter challenge was a 2-night stay on the beach in Puerto Morelos. It was exactly the reset I needed. I was still able to get some work done and even had an impromptu beach photoshoot that I can’t wait to share.​

Track of the Week

My homies put me on to Kolo by Ice Prince & Oxlade and I can’t stop playing it on repeat. 🔥​


  • I hosted a Project Planning Masterclass last Saturday and judging by the feedback, it was the best class I’ve hosted thus far. I project planned 3 very different missions and offered tips/techniques on how I alleviate stress with project planning. Here’s the replay, lmk what you think!

It mae sound corny, but I want to honor DMX somehow this weekend. I’m not sure how yet, but I will. He was such a beautiful soul with such impactful words. It makes me so sad to think how the decisions of others led him to his resting place.

I know all too well what it feels like to be taken advantage of and that sentiment (un)fortunately has led me to spreading love the way that I do.

So with that, I hope that this weekend (and everyday forreal) you spread love wherever you go and leave all those you encounter better off than you found them.


Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.



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