📨 Friday Report XLIX — 12.10.21
Quote of the Week
“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
— Charles Addams
Ça va? Moi, je vais bien.
It’s 3:52AM. It’s like a greater power shut the city down so I can quietly enjoy this face mask, cup of tea and joint combo I have going on while swaying to So Far Gone.
The highlight of my past 24 hours, aside from breathing, was spending my Friday morning in bed watching Kanye and Drake’s Free Larry Hoover Benefit Show on Amazon which as a whole is the most 2021 thing ever. There is no way Larry Hoover is getting out of jail and I have no idea why this was even a thing. All that to say, it was absolutely amaezing and I had legit chills watching Kanye.
The second highlight of my day, aside from existing, was the hour I spent teaching a class of 5th graders the power of their breath via Zoom. None of my days look the same and it’s so fire. Especially since each day features a different form of helping others.
I’ve had many professions and who knows how many more are to come. The one thing that’s been consistent is that they’re all rooted in helping others, but now I get to help others on my own terms. A dream come true for a recovered people-pleaser.
I love New Year’s Eve sooo much and it’s so close! It’s my favorite holiday and no matter the country, I always have a great time.
Even so I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, but I do dedicate time to getting clear on my goals for the year so that’s where my mind has been personally and professionally. It’s so exciting to take a step back, map out a dream and then go make it come true.
Do you have any new dreams in mind? Before you map them out…
Let’s dive in!
- First thing, please watch this.
- Have you been keeping up with Peng Shui, the Chinese tennis player? She spoke out about being sexually assaulted by a retired Communist official and disappeared. Shit’s been super creepy since and not enough people are speaking up on her behalf.
- Dique IG is bringing back chronological feeds so maybe our voice matters? I’ll believe it when I see it.
- On an IG note, my homie Ellie and my fave DC photog maed me realize that we never had a proper send off for “link in bio” in IG stories. RIP to us ever having to type this painful 3-word incomplete sentence.
- Consistency comes down to the level of respect you have for yourself.
- I know nothing about wigs, but I cried watching this. 😂 😭 Here’s part 2.
- BRUH. Have you heard of the conspiracy theory/organization “Birds Aren’t Real”? LMAO. There’s nothing I can do to explain it properly. Here’s an NYT article on the creator.
- Barney had bangersss — The Green Grass Goes?! I don’t feel his icon status is celebrated enough.
What’s up with me?
- I’m 6 weeks into my loc journey and it’s so meant to be. It’s like my hair has wanted to be this way its whole life. #RIPfro
- I have so many fun things that I’m launching soon and it feels so good to plan ahead and not feel rushed.
- Maedellín is my fave, the end.
- I’m still heavy on my sugar-free mission and although I wanna eat every type of potato, it’s been okay for the most part. I just want a quick break to eat fries and mozzarella sticks with a side of thick marinara sauce.
Video of the Week
Video of the week goes to Doja Cat for Woman because she teamed up with Girls Who Code to create the first ever codable music video. Using different programming languages, you can customize the video like changing the location or Doja’s nail color.
Watch on YouTube or try a bit of code.
I’m so excited to knock out again.
Next week I’ll have a few giveaways to celebrate the 50th Friday Report! Thank you so much for being a part of this ride with me.
As always, I hope you create the weekend of your dreams and get yourself a treat this weekend. Get creative!
For my treat, tomorrow I’m going to wander the city for incense and herbs. I missed how fun it is to roam around a new city for hours discovering new parks, shops and neighborhoods. I’m going to try a different Airbnb every month for a few months and find the ideal barrio for me.
Mi amiga Marina shared a quote with me this week: “Make your past self jealous.”
First of all, honored that people think of me when they hear quotes like this. Second of all, PREACH.
My past self is super jealous of me right now, but not really because she just wants the best for me and she’s why I’m here really.
Is past you jealous of you right now? If yes, for what reasons and do you feel like you adequately celebrate this accomplishment?
Is there a way that you can celebrate this with yourself this weekend?
Stay celebrating,
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.