📨 Friday Report XLV — 11.12.21
Quote of the Week
“The only reason you have not is that you ask not.”
Something I’m focusing on is exercising my throat chakra. (You feel me, Bami?) Every time I’ve asked the universe for something aloud, I got it.
Feliz viernes from Medellín…kinda.
Happy Friday! I’ve never been so excited to write a Friday Report. After the smoothest travels ever, I’ve maed it happily and healthily to Colombia. Thank you SO much to everyone who sent me “happy travels” messages; you are love!
My final destination is Medellín (henceforth known as Maedellín), but I chose to book a cute ass Airbnb about an hour outside the city to ease my transition into city life. If you follow my IG stories then you already know it’s the coziest apartment ever and the views ensure that I won’t leave the house much. Not that I want to.
I had to prove that I’m leaving the country in order to board my flight so I purchased a flight back to Maexico for NYE and a #245 reunion. Hopefully some of my PVD homies can make it, too. 🥳
Yesterday was 11/11 and for us woo woo folks it’s a big day for manifestation and for me, my day was the most beautiful confirmation that I’ve created the life of my dreams.
What makes this move the most exciting of my life is that this is the first time I’ve done this with money maed all on my own. No unemployment as a cushion, no part time jobs or hustles, just me and my creative empire. And that is quite literally my mother fucking dream.
Sorry not sorry to tell you, but you are the only person responsible for making your dreams come true. For some, that’s a scary or sad thought and it used to be for me too.
Now, it’s the most empowering shit ever. I get to decide what I want. And then I get to go get it. And I always get it.
Before you figure out your next step in making your dreams come true…
Let’s dive in!
- You know how some people be like “yOu MaKE eVeRYthInG aBoUT rAcE”? Well here’s a podcast about how race is why bars of soap are usually white and how early ads for soap contributed to Jim Crow laws.
- The only pet I’ve ever wanted is a piglet. 🐷
- There are apparently commercials in other countries asking them to help feed America and you’ll never convince me that I’m supposed to live in that country just because I was born there. 🤷🏾♀️
- This was one of the greatest podcasts ever. It’s all about The Happy Hustle. I’m so appreciative of this positive spin on hustlin’ because I’m a hustler and I love that shit. But I do it with balance. Bonus: it includes actionable tips to make sure you’re hustlin’ happily.
- Here’s a recap of what went wrong at AstroWorld and helpful tips from a pro on how to escape a big crowd if you find yourself in one.
- This kid is ahead of the game.
- This two-part podcast about this scammin’ hood dude from Texas turned country club socialite is wild. It’s probably the most likely scam that could happen to me. I found out on part 2 that 76% of identity scam victims know the culprit.
- Story time: my identity was stolen in high school and I only found out because my mom wanted me to get into the habit of pulling credit reports once I turned 18. Being a great Black mommy, she cussed out several utility companies until the couple thousand dollars of debt was taken off my report.
What’s up with me?
- I’m so fucking happy. I let the world jade me and I used to struggle with living in a happy space, just waiting for shit to go wrong. Now, I accept the ride. Ain’t no highs without lows.
- One of my goals used to be “not counting down to Friday”. When I worked for others, I’d spend my life counting down to the weekend and I decided that once I stopped doing that, that’d be my definition of success. And here we are! This will never be me.
- I’m trying out this digital bank for businesses called Novo. So far I LOVE it. I wanted something like Simple (#RIP) but for business so I can move money into different “pockets” (payroll, profit, opex, etc.). It’s that AND it has mucho tech integrations. 🤤
- For all my former Simple users, I’ve been using ONE and I LOVE it. Here’s a free $50 when you open your account.
Track of the Week
I think in 2022, Track of the Week is getting changed to Vibe of the Week. This week’s vibe is courtesy of Goosebumps by Larry featuring Hamza, my fave artist behind Drake. Like most of his features, I wish the song was just him, but I’ll deal. Listen or watch on…
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
That’s it for me! I’m about to dive into a bowl of veggies comme d’hab and then dive into Life Maed Easy’s books. I’m almost done with Profit First and it’s legit changed my life. If you own a business, I can’t recommend it enough no matter how established you are.
I probably say this all the time, but I really really hope you work toward your dreams today. And if you don’t, tomorrow’s another chance to try again. 😘
Stay relentless,
Feeling sweet? Send me some honey. 🍯
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.