📨 Friday Report XLVII — 11.26.21
Quote of the Week
“The key to longevity is rewards.”​
-I said this to Lovell during an ops audit consult and he insisted that this be the quote of the week. If you need help creating rewards, here’s a quick intro.​​
Feliz viernes!​
5 more Friday Reports left for 2021! What a ride?
I’ve been having such a great and productive week. Feeling a bit behind, but it’s okay, I got this. I’m really proud of myself for prioritizing fun (and beauty treatments, duh) while also getting work done in a new city.
I looove Colombian people so much so far and los hombres Colombianos?! We have a great love affair in our future.
I love how everyone here, even in sweats, is put together and clean cut. The city is the perfect mix of chill and slightly bougie — just like me!
I’ve been staying in the loudest hotel to ever exist because it’s right across from the city’s stadium. I read “estadio” as “estudio”, what a rookie move?!
What mostly pissed me off about my hotel is that it had me counting down to my checkout tomorrow and I am not down for that kind of living. I don’t even count down to vacations and I’ve stopped myself from saying “I can’t wait for [insert event here]”.
One my biggest fears (bats are my number one fear) is living a life of just counting down until the next great moment or event. I’d miss out on the day-to-day magic of my life and I can’t think of anything more devastating.
Other words/phrases I no longer use:
- “I’ll worry about that later.” Why would I wish worry on my future self? I’m not worrying about it now and I’m not worrying about it later. Instead I say “I’ll address that later”, “I’ll deal with that later” or “I’ll concern myself with that later”.
- “Finally.” This one bothers me because it implies that something or some event is late in occurrence when really there’s no rush and we’re all on our own timelines. I trust in divine timing so tranquilooo.
- “Should.” THIS ONE. If you’re a friend of mine, you already know I can’t fucking stand this word. It implies that you or someone else is doing something “wrong”. Don’t ever tell me that I “should” do something because 1) Who are you? 2) I do what I want. 3) Like above, everything on my own time.
Before you think about ways in which you can speak with more intention…​
Let’s dive in!
- Been waiting forever for someone to make a movie out of this story.​
- I’m not even gonna comment on this great podcast about what Thanksgiving (The Day of Mourning for Native Americans) really is. I’m from Rhode Island and I learned so much about this sick ass holiday and so much of the massacre took place in Rhode Island. Def have no plans on ever celebrating “Thanksgiving” ever again.
- Inline with all of the shipping delays and production shortages, Nike cancelled distro orders all the way through next summer. Wild.​
What’s up with me?
- I went out for my first time in Medellin and had SO much fun. I met a former coworker for the first time and he took me up to the mountains via a metro car to a lowkey neighborhood bar, mi favorito. I broke my no-drinking streak for some cheap tequila and I regret it. Will I do it again tonight, probably, but this time we’re going topshelf.
- I spent the afternoon chatting with my uncle and while I don’t miss Amaerica by any means, I do miss my fam a whole lot. Especially the little ones.​
Track of the Week
I’ve been beasting at work today and jammin’ to throwback R&B in the process. In honor of the 🔥 I’ve been listening to today, this week’s track is courtesy of sexy ass Omarion (like, look at him). Listen to Icebox on…
​Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube​​
- My homie Candace is hosting a workout to raise money for Project Purple, an organization dedicated to raising pancreatic cancer awareness. It’s December 11th at 10am EST via Zoom. I hope to see you there!
- The price for The Selfish Reset goes up Monday. Join 30+ women from 5 countries as we learn to get selfish with confidence. They’ll be guest speakers, fun + interactive workshops and the best part, community + support. Here are more deets.​
Tomorrow I’ll be sending you a guide to all of my favorite goodies to help you with your holidae shopping. Since shipping is delayed basically everywhere I was sure to include some digital options for your loved ones.
I’m off to shovel some veggies in my mouth and go on my first date in Colombia, que spicy?! Super excited to adventure throughout this beautiful city. If it’s not clear, I absolutely love it here and lowkey see a future for myself in the city.
Hasta la próxima…
Stay adventurous,
​Feeling sweet? Send me some honey. 🍯
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.