📨 Friday Report XLVIII — 12.3.21

Maegan Tomela Burke
5 min readFeb 13, 2022


Quote of the Week

“A smooth sea never maed a skillful sailor.”​

-In my case, this never-ending eclipse season is the roughest of seas.

Happy December?!​

We all knew it was coming, but how is it December? It’s basically 2023 already. I’m basically about to celebrate my 40th birthday.

Jk jk but time really flies.

I feel like December is the universal “what tf is actually happening month?” Is it the holidays? Is it the quickly approaching new year? Is it because we’re living in an entirely unpredictable pandemic now featuring the Omarion variant?

IDK. But things just feel so weird right now and it seems to be the same for most of my homies. We’re blessed, we’re abundant and we’re grateful, but something is…off? Or is this just a part of the ride?

I vote the latter but even so, today has been super weird.

In other news, I haven’t fallen in love with a city this quickly since Paris. I absolutely LOVE it here. The people are so kind, I feel so blessed being surrounded by greenery and the prices don’t even make sense. Economically, I don’t even understand how this shit works.

December fogginess and Maedellín-infatuation aside, it feels really good to reflect on the past 12 months. Black Friday is what some would consider a “traumaversary” for me and last year leading up to Black Friday I was going through it.

Like panic attacks in the street going through it. Like sobbing all day in agony going through it. So I maed a new tradition for myself to travel to somewhere new each year on that day as a celebration of my healing.

And then last weekend I realized what the day was and rejoiced that I was free of the agony. I didn’t even know that the day was coming whereas last year I could hardly function.

And honestly, that level of healing is my greatest accomplishment to date.

You might know me as a master organizer, your number one cheerleader or a self mastery maeven, but above all I’m a human. And last year, I was a shell of human so to feel so whole now brings tears to my eyes.

And so as we continue to dive into this holiday season (hopefully with as minimal Christmas music as possible 😂 ) please take a breath to give the people around you some grace. They’re only human and so are you.

And now…​

Let’s dive in!

What’s up with me?

  • I’ve been working behind the scenes getting things ready for the Selfish Reset and doing whatever else I can to ensure that January is smooooth.
  • This upcoming January will be the fourth in a row that I’ve taken off from work. It’s definitely something I’ll continue until infinity and before you say “wow, I wish I could do that” — you can! The first January that I took off my funds were lowww, but I was committed to the dream and I maed it happen.
  • I realized that part of my healing meant allowing myself the grace to have a bad day. I had never really done that before and once I started letting myself feel things, overtime my emotional dependency on food faded. Now I comfort myself in healthier ways? #growth
  • I’ve walked around this city so much this week that I can’t feel my feet.​

Track of the Week

This beautiful track of the week is courtesy of Insecure’s Season 5 soundtrack that dropped today. It’s the track playing when Nathan + Issa had that tense exchange at the end on the couch. The soundtrack features Ro James, but I love the original of Mad Bitches more. Don’t let the title fool you, Mikhala Jené’s voice is soo beautiful and such a vibe. Listen on…

Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube​​


  • Here’s my free gift guide! Buy yaself something nice.
  • America On Tech, an amaezing organization that I’ve volunteered with in the past, is hiring.

And that’s it for me! I LOVE Friday nights in so comme d’habitude I’m about to dive into some veggies and continue my SATC binge as I wait for my weed delivery. Life of my dreams much?

I’ve had muchos consultos de Habits Maed Easy and they’ve been so impactful. The recurring hindrance stopping humans from bringing their goals to fruition is a lack of grace.

Humans are so quick to go from never working out to working out 5 days a week. From never studying for that certification to studying for 2 hours every night after work. From no savings to now planning on saving $1000 per month. And then wonder why these new “habits” don’t last.

Chill. the fuck. out. It’s hard. I get it, but stop setting yourself up for failure. Nothing hurts me more than disappointing myself and the way that I don’t do that is by making small promises to myself and building from there. You’re not going anywhere, take your tiiime.

This week’s track came out in 2018 and here’s Mikhala Jené celebrating the Insecure feature. THREE years ago it came out and I’m sure there were times when she wanted to give up and now look. She got featured on Insecure and in the Friday Report in the same week. 😂

It mae seem like giving yourself grace is an act of laziness, but oh contraire mes amis. It takes much greater discipline to be kind to yourself than it does to work yourself down to a pulp.

Try it and prove me wrong.

Stay graceful,

Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.



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