📨 Friday Report XVIII — 5.7.2021

Maegan Tomela Burke
5 min readFeb 10, 2022


Best. Birthday. Ever!​

Truly the best birthday I’ve ever had. My friends did a wonderful job showering me with love and I can’t say thank you enough. It was our first real reunion in 18 months and it was long overdue.

Apparently a love hangover is a thing because highkey, I’ve been a bit down since I’ve left them. I also have a wild sinus infection from all of the allergens in Texas so that’s been fun. I’m writing this email at 2AM Maexican time because I just had to take a nap first.

My friends and the wild ride that is Amaerica reminded me how important it is to diversify your circle and I don’t mean just racially although we do that pretty well. That’s one of the benefits of growing up in Providence, your circle looks like the UN.

But also, we represent so many different ideals, careers, income brackets, dreams, universities, religions or lack thereof, etc. and that’s really important to me.

It’s also a big reason that I love learning new languages. It opens you up to a new realm of education. I’m going to learn more than what Google Translate can tell me if I read an article in the language it was written in, you feel me?

I challenge you to reevaluate how you intake educational content and from where. Especially all you Amaericans.

If everyone around you looks like you and thinks like you, if you only consume media from your home country and you only have an interest in content that aligns with your values, you’re doing it wrong and you’re doing yourself a disservice.

In Texas, I had quite a few sidebars with random Trump supporters. Did I agree with everything they said? Nope. But I was genuinely interested in hearing their thoughts and to be honest, I got to learn a lot about their perspectives and above all, I love to learn.

You won’t melt by giving yourself the respect to learn about things outside of your comfort zone. You mae even grow a little bit or change some longstanding beliefs.​

Let’s dive in!

What’s up with me?

  • I’m sick + fatigued but feeling a lot better.
  • I’m apartment hunting and living out of a hotel, but idc because I’m back in the sun. 🌞
  • I’m launching some super fun things on Monday that I can’t wait to tell you about.​

Track of the Week

My track of the week is i n t e r l u d e by J. Cole because the real is back the ville is back. You can listen on…

​Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube​​


My mission for this next trip around the sun is to step into my role as an educator so I asked for all the real ones to let me know something they’ve learned from me and the comments?! Here are a few, ICYMI:

  • You have led by example and taught me about confidence, owning who you are and being unapologetic about it and setting your future self up for success by doing the little things NOW.
  • To think more consciously of how my current decisions affect future me. And basically all around honoring and respecting my current/future self because she deserves it all.
  • You taught me to stop giving away my time for free.
  • Go for your dreams. No matter what. You are in charge of the life you want.
  • From my mommy: You taught me to be more open about my feelings. ❤️
  • My quote of the week: That humility & kindness are not mutually exclusive. You can & absolutely have the right to own your value with confidence. Doesn’t change that you are kind. 🔥

That last one?! I used to hype myself in private and now I do it publicly because I’m not gonna wait around for others to do it for me. Also, that’s not their job.

Unrelated/kinda related aside: I get so annoyed when people complain about friends not buying their products or liking their posts. I get it, you want the support of your homies, but they’re not your target demo! And that’s entirely okay.

Maybe you always like and comment on their posts and you want the same back? Get over it! If you show them support while also expecting something in return, then your support is disingenuous and is that the kind of energy you really wanna put into the universe? What you give is what you get so reflect a bit before you double tap.

Today, instead of relying on others to hype you up, I challenge you to do it for yourself. Gwan big up yaself! Preferably publicly and what better place than social media?

Whether it’s a tweet, an IG Story, a comment on Facebook — whatever! Just brag on yourself and stop relying on others to do it for you.

Even if you have a supportive partner or bestie or parent who’s your number one cheerleader, there mae come a time where they can’t be that for you because they get temporarily caught up dealing with something else. Life happens. Love Future Them a little harder by loving you today.

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but like all things, uncomfortable is where the magic happens.


Stay humble…sike!

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