📨 Friday Report XX — 5.21.21

Maegan Tomela Burke
5 min readFeb 10, 2022


Happy 20th Friday Report!​

First of all, shoutout to all of you who read this weekly. I get Friday Report love from people I haven’t spoken to in years and I can’t even tell you how much that means to me.

I’ve been toying with the idea of creating an uncensored newsletter because I have kindaaa inappropriate things to share sometimes lol. If that’s something you’d be into, holla at me.

We’re not about the gimmicks over here and my ConvertKit metrics tell me that you’re going to read this email anyway so let’s get right to the giveaway!

I’m offering a behind-the-scenes look at how I’m going to spend my summer sabbatical cleaning up my backend, prepping for fall and creating my biggest launch to date.

Introducing, the Self-Maed™️ Series.

This 3-month membership will be comprised of a biweekly newsletter with updates on my backend development and tech implementation as well as a private Facebook group where I’ll go live, post tech trainings and host biweekly office hours.

I work a lot behind the scenes to empower female business owners, particularly in regards to business ops and systems. After receiving such great feedback about how great a teacher I am, I figured what better way to teach than to expose all my damn business?!

Spots are limited because I’m not tryna expose myself to just everybody. If you’re interested, sign up to get notified 24-hours before I tell the rest of the world that the membership is open for registration.

This membership is best for female small biz owners or solopreneurs who have a website, who are active on social media and who are looking to create consistent income.

If you’re stuck on what to offer, how to offer it and where to even begin — this 3-month membership is for you.

And to celebrate the 20th Friday Report, I’m giving away a spot for the free to the first woman to respond to this email with their business name and a few sentences on how their business helps other humans. Mae the odds be in your speedy favor!

Now, let’s take a break from doom-scrolling and…​

Let’s dive in!

  • This is how I wanna play with my friends.
  • No reason to mention this other than that I never get sick of it. Jamie Foxx, for me, is the greatest and most multi-faceted entertainer of all time.
  • One of my favorite YouTuber’s, Jo Franco, took a Project Management course designed by Google and the importance she placed on project management for creatives was SO perfectly articulated. I’m definitely adding this course to my list. “By 2027, employers will need 87.7 million people for project management online roles.”
  • J. Cole is out here making his multi-faceted dreams come true and I love that shit.
  • Every time I learn more about the Insurrection, I’m like wow this really happened? This podcast explains how the FBI is trying to navigate one of the biggest crimes of all time and sift through over 15,000 pieces of digital evidence.
  • Throwback Mariah, yesssss! Also, is MTV Unplugged still a thing?
  • The way they took off their hats?! 😂😭😍
  • This week thousands of migrants fled Morocco for Spain. When it was trending I was so confused as to how that was possible because I’ve taken the ferry from Spain to Morocco and idk how someone could swim that. Turns out Spain has a little piece of land in Africa bordering Morocco because of course their thieving asses do. I wish I could say that everyone will pay for this, but I have no confidence that white men ever face real consequences.
  • I listened to all 4 parts of this podcast series today and I highly recommend it. It’s a fast and easy listen about Wayne Simmons who grew to FOX News fame with his claim to be ex-CIA. CIA people think he’s a fraud and the government will neither confirm nor deny that he was in the CIA because duh, that would make no sense.​

What’s up with me?

  • I’m in a new home and it’s so quiet guys. 😩 I’m sooo at peace, so happy and so grateful to myself for putting in the hard work to make my manifestations come true. I can’t wait to see what I create in this space.
  • I wandered Playa for a bit last week with my homie Desiree and after lounging for a couple hours on the beach, we ran into a group of dudes doing graffiti which turned into me getting a graffiti lesson. I love strangers.
  • I am booked and busy and loving it. Retreat planning consults, nomad consults, apartment hunting in Playa consults. The common theme? Empowering humans through fun and clear education. That’s my muhfuggin’ jammm.
  • Still feeling super meh so I hope that next Friday I tell you that my bawdy feels like magic! I celebrated my move-in with a massage this morning tho so we blessed.
  • My stove smells like gas and I get lightheaded when I turn it on. 🥲 The super came this morning and looked at it, said it was perfect, had it on for 10 minutes with no smell. I went to cook veggies this afternoon and smelled gas again so if anyone knows how to use a Maexican stove without getting gas poisoning, please holla at me.​

Track of the Week

CPR by Summer Walker has been on my mind heavy this week. Voice of an angel! I wish she’d give us some new music, but birthing a human is probably time-consuming so I’m patient.

Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube​​

Quote of the week:

“Impact over income.”​

-My mantra for the year. Other than this one, of course.

I’ve been binging the Bold Type and it’s been wonderfully corny. Idk when I last binged (even if mostly while working from the couch) so after this I’m gonna treat myself to a joint, one more episode and a full night’s rest.

Tomorrow, before I head to a salsa class with my homies, I’m reuniting with my favorite beauty chicas for a facial because my skin right now between traveling and being sick?! Bruh…I’m too vain for this.

For me anything involving my face and nails screams luxury. That includes my nighttime skincare routine and filing my nails.

Define what luxury means to you and get a taste of that this weekend. You deserve it.

Stay luxurious,

Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.



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