📨 Friday Report XXI — 5.28.21
Sugar and spice and nothing is nice…
This was the longest yet shortest week of mi vida. From staring at the ceiling contemplating my existence to a full moon ceremony on the beach to consults on consults. I feel like so much has happened this week.
Most notably, para mi, is that I’m currently weaning myself off of sugar. And no, not just refined sugar. All of it.
It’s something I’ve considered doing for a while and I’m SO happy that I had a heads-up to ease in rather than eliminate everything at once.
I’ve learned that sugar is literally in everything and that when you deprive your body of something it’s used to having all the time, you get emo AF. My life is the epitome of perfection by my standards yet I want to cry every 5 minutes.
I feel so weak, even just a light yoga flow is enough to leave me exhausted. I feel like I’m mourning different foods and my relationship with them. I am so fatigued hence why you’re getting this email right now because I had to take a nap before I could even think to look at a screen.
I’m sure at some point I’ll feel great tho and tell about how this was all worth it. Until then, grab a sugar-free snack and…
Let’s dive in!
- This is what it was like to babysit my little brother lol.
- Not-so-fun-fact at all: when you sign up for a Google Workspace email address, you have to wait until 2 months after you spend at least $100 to invite more than 10 people to a calendar invite. This can pose a very annoying problem when trying to schedule Power Hours and virtual events.
- Ever wonder why Apple got rid of its logo? Also, have you seen the new iMacs?! 🤤
- One of my biggest pet peeves is that when people forget that there are actual humans in the supply chain. Instacart has been having a huge problem with this for a while. (If you treat the customer service rep as another human with human feelings, they just mae advocate for you to their superiors and get you an unprecedented $100 credit added to your Google Workspace balance. 😉)
- How hustle culture is engrained in all that we do and we don’t even realize it. I realize it though because I did not create this dream life to work all damn day everyday; it ain’t gonna be meeee.
- Per usual, I got high on the couch and started watching docs on YouTube. This doc about how Western fast food is harmful to India is wild and it’s so crazy to me that this type of food of legal. But of course it is.
- This thread on data + privacy and ads is soul-crushing, but what are we gonna do at this point?
- Whether you’re looking to build the next great startup or you’re a solopreneur, check out this thread on essential biz tools.
What’s up with me?
- Antibioticos basically ruined my gut health, hence the focus on sugar. I feel like my body isn’t my own, but I love my body in all the ways so I’ve been prioritizing staring at myself in the mirror and hyping myself up. Basically just another day in the office.
- The LME Team is meeting today (Saturday) at 2PM EST to work on pitch decks. I’m gonna focus on Automaetion™️. If you’re a freelancer or consultant or maybe you want to start doing speaking gigs, here are the meeting details if you’d like to join us for 2 hours of design time.
- My calendar is Sandra Bul-locked off for almost 2 weeks and I could cry. I have some time Tuesday and Wednesday for consults so holla at me if you’ve been considering booking.
- And then I’m off to Maexico City for my homie Bamita’s birthday. Fun fact, I wanted to move to Maexico City last year, not Tulum and PDC but #pandemicvibes.
- My adventure of the day was trying to increase my wifi package with a Spanish-speaking automated system and I wish that everyone who shits on immigrants had to do these kind of tasks. One day we’ll discuss who gets called “immigrant”, who gets to be an “expat” and why it’s all so disgustingly classist. (I’ve retired “expat” from my vocab.)
Track of the Week
Willow Smith released a new visual for t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l and the nostalgia when I hear this song? Travis Barker?! The early 2000’s pop punk era was one of the greatest times in music in mi vida and I’m here for the Paramore vibes. Listen on…
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
- Systems Saved Me is hiring a Systems Support Specialist. Systems nerdz unite!
One thing about intentionally putting yourself into the emotional spiral that is minimizing your sugar intake is that you SLEEP. Like a log. So if you’re every struggling with insomnia, give up all the sugary things aka everything you eat, lay in the fetal position and enjoy the greatest slumber of your life.
I can’t wait to tell you about Maexico City! I need some city energy in me ASAP. How will I navigate a weeklong birthday trip while surviving on spinach, onions and berries?
I really don’t know. 🤔
Stay sweet,
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.