📨 Friday Report XXII — 6.4.21

Maegan Tomela Burke
4 min readFeb 12, 2022


Quote of the week:

“It takes discipline to do less.”​

-The theme of my week and beautifully summed up by one of my fave YouTubers, Matt D’Avella.

Happy Friday fave humans!​

Maegan is my name and rest is my game.

The theme of my week has been rest times a million. This wasn’t really my decision so I chose to comply with my body’s needs. Whenever I experience times like this — feeling like my body isn’t mine and like I have no control over my days — I remind myself that this is prep for something greater.

And what’s the rush? We’re all on our own timelines and as long as my days are successful by my standards, then where’s the problem?

It’s really hard for me to slow down, especially when I have so many ideas in me and client work to get done. I particularly stopped offering do-it-for-you services because I get overcome with performance anxiety, but that was before I had a Renny by my side (#HBD!). Couldn’t do this without you.

My friend Desiree maed a great point the other day about how ambitious people like myself get stressed out over ideas. Not even shit that’s real or subject to deadlines. Just ideas about what could happen and that is SO me.

But again, this time is prep. I’m very intentionally limiting my business talk on IG because I don’t want a business that is dependent upon a social media platform. I rather nurture my email list because that’s something that I actually own.

Like everything else in my life, stepping back from IG is prep for a bigger platform. I want to help the masses — education is my purpose, there’s no doubt. But like everything in my life, it’s gonna happen on my own terms. And a big part of that is ignoring what the “norm” is. Nothing about my life is normal and I thank the universe for that everyday.

So on that note, take a moment to give thanks for being blessed enough to live life on your own terms and…​

Let’s dive in!

What’s up with me?

  • Still sick but I actually feel myself getting better now. Thank you so much to everyone who’s sent me tips, remedies, advice and kind words. I cannot believe that people are able to live their lives while being chronically inflamed. It’s debilitating and honestly, kinda scary how my brain just can’t really move that fast. 😔
  • This smooth ass playlist keeps me calm and sane. I’ve been starting all my mornings with it. Alex Isley has the voice of the angel but with that last name, it’s no surprise.
  • I’m in Maexico City with #245 to celebrate Bamita’s birthday (#HBD!) and I LOVE it here. Unfortunately, all of my dreams of moving here are dead because none of us can really breathe and you can see the pollution in the sky. Also I’m so so cold. Like freezing.​

Track of the Week

This is a Marc E. Bassy stan account and he’s back! His whole EP is 🔥 and I can’t believe it’s been over a decade of vibes with this (sexy ass) man. One day I’m gonna make a greatest hits playlist, but until then listen to “Zone” on…

Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube​​


  • If you’re able, I hope you’ll consider donating. Some of my high school homies went on a group trip to Aruba that tragically ended with the passing of Melissa Carrasco. Any amount helps! 🙌🏾

I LOVE traveling with my friends because they’re so chill and trust me to plan things for us. Although I have no desire to be an international trip leader ever again, with my friends I remember how much I love things like this.

I outlined a Maexico City thrift tour for us and spent less than 60 bucks on some super cute + cozy items. We’re off to a bougie dinner (there’s a Rosa Negra here!) and then I hope to sleep for 24 hours so I can hop back into client work and proposals, brain-fog willing.

I’m so corny as usual, but I’m just soo blessed to have the friends that I have, the life that I have, the lovers that I have, the parents that I have, the body of my dreams…

I’ve felt a wave of gratitude these past couple of days and if you need some positive vibes, I’m sending them to you because I have some to spare.

Stay on your own time,

Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.



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