📨 Friday Report XXV — 6.25.21
Quote of the Week:
Rejection is protection.
Happy full moon! 🌕
I facilitated a career path consult yesterday and it was 🔥
During our chat, I realized that while growing up I definitely struggled with confidence in some areas of my life, but my professional life was not one of them. If I was ever rejected professionally (which didn’t happen often), I wasn’t really fazed by it because I knew something better was coming.
I and a lot of my hometown friends were the quintessential “gifted” kids and as studies have shown, that can lead to a super-inflated ego. That coupled with my parents always reminding me that I’m super intelligent, I’ve never doubted my capabilities and I’ve always been confident about my talents.
I’ve never really felt that way about dating though (the romantic side anyway 😏). To make things worse(?), I’m definitely one of those women who prioritizes her career over romance. Making my own money on my own terms turns me on, what can I say?
I have a homie who once told me that I’m great at applying lessons from one area of my life to another. It’s one of the pieces of feedback that I’m most grateful to have received because now I’m able to do that intentionally when I’m looking to cultivate change.
Struggle with working out and being active? Look at an area of your life where you’re more disciplined and apply the same practices to your fitness.
If you’re really good at reviewing your finances and being on top of your money, look at why. What structures have allowed you to create this behavior?
Maybe you review your money spreadsheet every Sunday + Wednesday. This means that you’re consistent with blocking time on your calendar for these money reviews.
Apply the same structure to working out. Block off time on your calendar and commit to moving your body consistently on the same days and times throughout the week.
Game changing thought process. It makes my goals and lifestyle changes seem more attainable because I know I have the tools to address the mission by reviewing my other successes; I just have to be strategic and creative about applying those tools to the mission.
Hope that maed sense.
ANYWHO, all that to say: I want to apply some of my professional successes and confidence to my dating life. While I struggle with even envisioning consistently being romantically involved with a human (I’m so independent and I love moving on my own) I know that I’m capable of working with others because I do so professionally.
With that, my professional endeavors show me that I’m capable of commitment. And not only am I capable, I’m rewarded for the leap of faith and discipline.
Look at us — we’re on the 25th Friday Report! I love putting time aside to write this newsletter each week and in less than 6 months I’ve not only doubled my email list, but I’ve also connected with so many dope humans.
What a life?
Before you take a few minutes and reflect on how you can apply your successes to different areas of your life…
Let’s dive in!
- Interviewing for a new job? Here are some red flags to look out for.
- IG introduced Badges which allows viewers to purchase a “badge” while you’re live. No idea how to turn my on, but get that shmoneyyy. 🤑 I think this is one of many initiatives to come in an attempt to keep creators on the platform as people flock to TikTok.
- Jackie Aina with the flawless marketing, per usual.
- The greatest Twitter thread to ever do it really became a whole movie. Still waiting on this one though.
- Damon Dominique is one of my favorite YouTubers and I’ve been watching him since he was part of Damon & Jo. They haven’t maed content together for a long time and we got to hear why. My favorite takeaway was pronoia vs. paranoia. Rather than being paranoid that things aren’t working out for you, why not assume that everything is always working in your benefit? Rejection is redirection.
- One of the social media highlights of my week is Black TikTok’s refusal to make a dance for Megan Thee Stallion’s Thot Shit. It’s so easy to be like “it’s not that serious”, but can you imagine how infuriating it is to watch white influencers get paid and secure appearances off of dances that you get no credit for? And at the same time, the TikTok algorithm purposely suppresses Black content even though they are a huge reason the app blew up. So. Lame.
- Apparently Subway tuna isn’t real tuna. Yum. An Irish court ruled this year that the bread has so much sugar that it doesn’t qualify as bread. One of many reminders that we consume SO much sugar throughout the day without even realizing it.
- Shaun King is on some bullshit again. And people still giving him money.
- T-Pain mentioned how a comment from Usher was the start of his 4-year depression and I really, really loved this discussion: honesty without compassion is cruelty. I had to learn from my own experiences that we never know what someone is going through and I think this world could be such a dope ass place if we all had a little more compassion for others. That starts with having compassion for ourselves though.
What’s up with me?
- I ate ice cream for breakfast during a Power Hour and gluten-free pasta for dinner. Both were definitely the result of sugar cravings and even if they weren’t, what’s the problem? Part of my ever-evolving relationship with food is allowing myself to indulge and to do so guilt-free. It’s hard tho, homie. In a past-life I’d have pasta several times a week and now, even though it’s a treat, I sometimes have to really remind myself that it’s okay to not always eat a plate of veggies for every meal. Work in progress.
- I had the greatest time ever with my homies and my dad and I’m soo grateful to be surrounded with so much love, IRL + digitally. A lot of people reached out to me letting me know how good it felt to watch me spend time abroad with my dad. Especially to all of you whose dads mae not be physically with you anymore, maybe you never had a strong relationship with them or maybe they don’t live near you — know that we enjoyed our time together in your honor. That week with him was definitely one of the highlights of my life.
- With the help of the Strawberry Full Moon, I’m starting to get a clearer picture of what’s next for me, personally and professionally, and I’m really really excited about it. I have no idea what the destination is, but I’m really enjoying the journey of creating my dream life.
- I feel a calling to take a break from caffeine, but then I’m like NAHHH. There’s a cool alternative that I like called MUDWTR, but nothing compares to a strong cup of coffee in the morning. ☕️
Track of the Week
Easy choice this week — Doja Cat + The Weeknd dropped You Right. I’m such a proud mom with these two. They’ve come so far and I love watching creatives get the recognition they deserve.
Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube
- Bathroom Rant 002 dropped this week and I’m never leaving the house again.
- I’m having an Advanced Notion workshop on Wednesday because I honestly could talk about Notion all day and I LOVE helping humans fall in love with it. I’m going to show you how to use databases for client management and your daily to-do’s. Come ready to make the dashboard of your dreams!
- Here’s the beginner’s intro to Notion that you never knew you needed.
Maybe I’m gonna do work after sending this out. Maybe I’m gonna continue binging Real Housewives of Atlanta. As Justin Bobby taught us, truth and time tells all.
I was speaking to a homie/client/icon about how weird life is/has been for the past year or so. I obviously take responsibility for my life, where it’s at and where it’s going, but I also have to frequently remind myself that shit is still very much so fucked up.
We’re still in a pandemic. I still have this feeling in my gut that I’m waiting for something to start. There are hours, sometimes just minutes, during the day where I feel like everything is in shambles. And then I feel on top of the world.
It’s a wild ride.
All that to say (and I hope this goes without saying) that it’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to take a day or week to lay in bed. It’s okay to put for your phone on Do Not Disturb. It’s okay to cry for absolutely no reason.
And on the flip-side, it’s okay to be happy. Even when it seems like nothing is going right for everyone around you.
We were never prepared for a time like this and honestly, were we even prepared for a pre-pandemic life? I WASN’T!
Desires manifest in words, but beliefs manifest in behavior. When I’m feeling out of sorts, I pay great attention to my words and even more so attention to my behavior.
By being mindful of how I move, I can get a better idea of how I feel and what I believe about myself.
And maybe you don’t feel like watching your behavior or your words today.
That’s okay, too. You have a long time left to go on this planet. Take your time and enjoy the ride as best you can. You got this.
Stay mindful — or don’t,
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.