📨 Friday Report XXXI — 8.6.21
Happy Friday!!​
It’s 10:30pm. I’m currently in a taxi on my way to my Airbnb in a nearby beach town. It’s a 30-minuteish drive and I figured I’d make the best of it because I CANNOT wait to sleep the second I’m out of the shower.
Have you been feeling sluggish this week? Like, still getting shit done, but just slow and delayed? Well I have. I’m pretty sure that it has to do with planets, but I haven’t looked too much into it.
Either way, Fridays are my rest or fun days (aside from the Friday Report) and I’ve lived today to the fullest in all of the ways.
The absolute highlight of my week was kicking off the self maed bootcamp with so many beautiful humans. I can’t believe that I’m surrounded by such dope souls, digitally and IRL. Someone even reached out to sponsor someone’s seat in the bootcamp. Like what a gem of a human?!
A year ago I didn’t even had a business. I can’t even remember what I was doing for money and I can’t believe life has progressed so much in such a short period of time.
Before you take a second to consider what your life will look like in a year…​
Let’s dive in!
- Mi amigo Dayo (please don’t let him know that I referred to him as a friend) put me on to Heist on Netflix just when I was SO close to cancelling my account. It’s maed up of 3 real life heist stories told by the people who committed the crimes. Two episodes are dedicated to each heist. I’ll be watching the second I hit send on this email.
- ​Maexico is phasing out imports of GMO corn because it has all but destroyed the opportunities for Maexican farmers to grow corn. NAFTA (which wasn’t signed until 1994, wild) meant that the market was flooded with cheaply grown and imported US corn, knocking corn prices nearly 70%.
- ​An ex-prosecutor (wife) and chief of Honolulu police (husband) had me ready to fight somebodyyyy. Together, they scammed countless innocent victims to afford their luxurious lifestyle including the wife’s elderly grandmother for $500,000
- After months and months and months of campaigning for Levar Burton, Mayim Bialik or Ken Jennings to be named the new host of Jeopardy!, Mike Richards — the executive producer is naming himself the host. Can’t even make this shit up.​
- “John Cena has granted over 650 wishes to children battling life-threatening illnesses through the make-a-wish foundation since 2004. That’s almost one per week for 16+ straight years.” An icon.
- ​Matt Damon pointed out how movies are changing and it blew my mind. Something that I never thought about is how every movie now is a series with the same recurring characters. This is because no matter the language, culture or country, there are fewer barriers to cross when the audience knows what’s coming.
- Not only does Normani not get promotional hype, she is actively being suppressed on TikTok, Apple Music and Spotify in different countries. Her talent is unmatched so now I really wanna know who specifically doesn’t want to see her win.
- ​eBay employees WENT TO PRISON for legit stalking a married couple who would write less than favorable reviews about them. They travelled to Boston to follow them on behalf of a higher up at the company and I just can’t imagine loving your job that much.​
What’s up with me?
- Aside from the bootcamp, I’ve been really consistent with my morning routine. I fell off with all of my travels and it feels so good to start my day with structured nourishment.
- I love where I’m staying sooo much. If I could pick it up and move it to Playa, I would.
- Overall, I’m just so happy. The happiest I’ve been in a long time.​
Track of the Week
I’m SHOCKED that I’ve yet to feature any lofi beats aka chillhop. This one is particularly my fave, it’s so nostalgic and has a bit of a 90s feel. Pro tip: when you’re struggling to work, turn off music with lyrics and opt for lofi beats instead. Listen to bringmesun on…
​Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube​
That’s it for me! I’m 15 minutes away from home and I could cry with excitement. It has been a long day (one that started with shots with #245 for Jamaican independence day — I was tipsy by 10am). It is SO hot and sunny here this time of year and I’m not complaining, I’m just saying, I might could maybe pass out at any moment.
I hope you have the weekend of your dreams whether that means rest, party, adventure, beauty or all of the above. You deserve it all.
Stay sunny,
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.