📨 Friday Report XXXIV — 8.27.21
Quote of the Week
“Serendipity is basically controllable luck. If you put yourself in a position to receive it, good fortune will come knockin’ on your door.”​
-From Slow Growth, one of my favorite newsletters.​
Happy Friday or whatever day it is!​
Sending mucho love to those with ties to Afghanistan. All of the daily developments have been so hard for me to witness and I can only imagine what it’s like for those who’ve served or who’ve had loved ones serve there. Your peace is heavily on my heart.
As for me, I’ve spent the majority of the week laying down. It’s been glorious, but also really taxing. This intense cleanse is so wild because I can literally feel my body killing all of the bad shit in me which results in me being massively exhausted, but I’m committed to letting my body do what it’s gotta do. And my skin is glowing so I’m HYPE even through the exhaustion lol.
Before you plan your next cleanse…​
Let’s dive in!
- ​This maed me cackle. Fun fact: The Incredibles is one of my favorite movies of all time.
- How Maexico helped NYT journalists get out of Afghanistan…yet they kill their own.
- Sidenote — it’s so crazy to me that I can say these things freely about the country that I’m in. When I lived in Thailand, I wouldn’t even say anything that could be considered against the Thai monarch via WhatsApp out of fear.
- ​This kid on the violin?!​
- ​El Salvador is making Bitcoin legal tender in 2 weeks. I’m super curious to see how it goes.​
What’s up with me?
- I’m a zombie. The end. 🤣 It’s all for the greater good though.
- The studio that I wanted was apparently double booked so my host offered me a week for free to move into a smaller studio. Now the studio that I want isn’t available and the only option is dark with stuffy air which just isn’t an option with my asthma so TBD on what happens next. I don’t even care honestly, I just wanna move somewhere this weekend and not have to worry about moving again for a few weeks. I just wanna sleeeep.​
Track of the Week
Alex Isley back at it and on a familial track. She recorded a cover of At Your Best (You Are Love), famously covered by Aaliyah, but originally written and recorded by her dad and uncles as The Isley Brothers. Light a candle and listen exclusively on…
- I’m hosting an Intro to ConvertKit and someone has so graciously offered to pay for someone’s seat. I’ll show you how I automate my digital product launches for peak efficiency. Respond to this email with the task that you hate the most (mine is checking my email) and the seat is yours!
- Sidenote: it was supposed to be next Saturday, but I’ve just decided to push it back a week. Ya girl gotta prioritize rest.
- One of my homie’s is raising money for Willy, a cancer-survivor and vet currently experiencing homelessness, to get a new wheelchair that he so desperately needs. Any amount counts!
I’m slowly laying down as I close this email lol. I plan to sleep a good 15 hours again, smoke and continue to watch RHOBH like a sloth.
The moon is in Taurus so I wish you a weekend of relaxation, rest and all the yummy food. And maybe some shopping if you wanna get crazy.
Stay well-rested,
Subscribe to the Friday Report, a biweekly rundown of pop culture, current events and happy moments as well as my nomad adventures, maepiphanies, business lessons and life hacks.