Here’s how you create freedom through structure. 🙌🏾
2022 is the year of the Self Maed entrepreneur. Subscribe to the Self Maed Report for a behind-the-scenes look into my business progress, new ventures, success stories and lessons learned.
This is lesson 10 of 11 after 1 year in business.
Like a true Taurus, I thrive with structure. My routines and systems are the foundation for a happy, stress-free and chill life.
They’re also key to my productivity.
What turns people off to structure is the false notion that structures are rigid, suffocating and hinder your spontaneity.
But I promise you, it’s the opposite.
Structure is key for me to be able to have the spontaneous life that I desire.
Here are some examples of how I create freedom through structure:
- Mondays are for character development and admin. The only calls I take on Monday are therapy and Spanish class. If I get a bunch of work done on a Monday, great! If not, no worries. The motive is to ease into the week and that could mean going for a long walk, going shopping, running errands, getting my nails done…whatever sets me up for success.
- You already know that I don’t use my voice before 11am. Additionally, I don’t take calls before noon. This means that I can spend 2 hours on my morning routine, I can workout, I can meal prep, I can head to a coworking space — so many options! (I guess that’s my definition of freedom — having options.)
- I don’t take calls on Fridays either and my only commitment is the Friday Report. Other than writing the newsletter and maybe a few admin things, work is out of the question on Fridays. My body is physically incapable of working on a Friday which means I have a bunch of time to do what I wanna do.
These rules, boundaries, whatever you wanna call them mae not work for you, but they work well for me. I hope that you too can figure out some ways to create freedom in your life through structure.
Here are 3 of my suggestions that have worked well for others:
- As much as you can, commit to getting your priorities in at the same time everyday. If you’re an entrepreneur with a busy schedule, try carving out 2 hours per day to getting work done. Complete those 2 hours of work at the same time everyday so it’s easier to commit.
- Curate an end-of day routine for the sake of Future You. You can lay out your outfit, review your to do list, create a cutoff time for work or meal prep. Come up with one thing that you can do at night to give Future You less responsibility and more freedom.
- Turn on automatic savings for bills and big expenses. Use a bank like ONE that lets you automatically have a percentage of your paycheck sent to a “pocket”. This way you don’t have to worry about overspending and you free your mind of having to budget each week.
I hope these help you find your definition of freedom!
Stay free,