Live hungry!
2022 is the year of the Self Maed entrepreneur. Subscribe to the Self Maed Report for a behind-the-scenes look into my business progress, new ventures, success stories and lessons learned.
This is lesson 3 of 11 after 1 year in business.
Remember in the early/mid 2010’s when all these cool startups were popping up? They had never-heard of perks like unlimited PTO, unlimited snacks and drunken company outings?
In 2013, I got a job at LivingSocial which was THE startup to be at in DC at the time. To-date, it was the greatest job of my life.
To be clear, as a company, it was an entire mess and no one was surprised when they went out of business.
The rest of it though was everything and more. I maed new friends who are now my forever family. In total, I took months off during my time there to travel (with my coworkers at that). We went to strip clubs for lunch. We got drunk at our desks and got paid to party. And I’d invite friends and family to chill in my office like it was my home. 😂
It was a 25-year-old’s dream.
LivingSocial got a lot wrong, but they also got a lot right. Here are my top 3 takeaways:
- The culture interview. I had 3 back-to-back interviews for LS and the first was the culture interview. What bars I went to was just as important as how productive I am. The culture interview meant that it really was a company of like-minded people (who worked hard and played hard).
- Unlimited PTO. We got to take off as many days as we wanted as long as we got our shit done and that is a huge part of how I run my businesses now.
- Live hungry. LS had a set of 5 core values plastered around the office and while I loved them all, this one has really stuck with me.
To live hungry is to live with a desire for more. A desire to learn. A desire to improve. And if that ain’t me, IDK what is.
I stayyy hungry! I’m grateful for all that I have and eager/ready for more. Because two things can be true. 😉
My forever desire to improve is fueled by how much love I have for myself and not by a lack of gratitude or self-appreciation.
Here are 3 different ways I’m going to feed myself in February:
- I maed the scariest investment of my young Black life and joined a group coaching program, Attract + Activate. The 6-month program kicks off next month and I’m so excited to receive Jenn’s guidance as I refine and grow my businesses.
- I signed up for Felly’s Attract + Sign, a month-long content creation mission. I fell off of my social media game in 2021 and that’s okay. I’m back and ready to push out valuable content.
- I’m on a 3-month transformation mission and I’m taking 4 women with me. For 3 months, I’m putting my head down and beasting on personal and professional development (with grace, of course). I launched the program to The Selfish Reset and if it doesn’t fill up, I’ll let you know on the 1st. Sign up for the waiting list if you’re ready to make shit happen for yourself.
The nerd in me is so excited to learn and the hustler in me is BEYOND ready to grind.
How do you live hungry and what are your plans for self nourishment?
Stay hungry!