No one owes you anything. 🤷🏽‍♀️
2022 is the year of the Self Maed entrepreneur. Subscribe to the Self Maed Report for a behind-the-scenes look into my business progress, new ventures, success stories and lessons learned.
This is lesson 4 of 11 after 1 year in business.

This one isn’t really a lesson. It’s more of a reinforced belief after 1 year in business.
A common rhetoric within LLC Twitter (one of my fave toxic digital spaces to be) is that friends who don’t support your business aren’t real friends.
Every time I see shit like this, it makes my skin crawl. I actually find this kind of sentiment quite pathetic, narrow-minded and ungrateful.
Obviously we want our friends to support us, but to say someone isn’t your friend because they don’t buy your products or services is ridiculous to me. Are they even your target demo?
That amigo of yours is always there when you need them, but they didn’t post about your new offer so they’re not a real friend?
They always make you laugh when you’re having a bad day, but they didn’t purchase your new offer (that won’t be helpful to them in any way), so they’re not a real friend?
You see where I’m going with this? Ugh, it makes my skin crawl.
There are a multitude of ways to support someone and supporting your business is just one of them.
And above all, your friends don’t owe you sales or free promo.
Also — building a business of services and products just to depend on income from your friends doesn’t sound very sustainable or scalable to me, but what do I know?​
On the flip side, my friends and acquaintances are some of my most consistent customers and referrals. Not because they’re obligated to use my services but because I’m great at what I do. I don’t sell to them; 97.3% of the time they come to me with a problem and ask if I can help solve it.
Although I appreciate all of my customers and clients, it really hits different when my friends repeatedly invest in my services because — say it with me — 🗣️ they don’t owe me anything!
I’ll forever be grateful to my homies for trusting me with their businesses and personal development. At the same time, I’ll never depend on them for the success of my business nor overlook all of the ways they love and support me just because they didn’t share my latest reel.
Until tomorrow…
Stay grateful,