📨 Friday Report XXXIII — 8.20.21
Quote of the Week
“I’m ready. It feels so good to feel fear because it means I’m dreaming big enough.”
-The first line from my journal entry last year on this day. 😍 I had no idea what was coming, but I knew that it would be amaezing and per usual, life did not disappoint.
I had such a great day. I don’t work on Fridays; my only to-do is this email and I love writing this shit. I started my day with a live guided meditation and I can’t recommend Tyler’s services enough. Then I went through my morning routine, hopped on the colectivo (it’s a shuttle basically) to go to Playa, ran errands, got my nails done and then my life changed.
If you’ve been following along, I’ve had a lot of maladies this year and a lot of which I’ve never experienced before. I went to see a specialist today and what was supposed to be a 2-hour experience quickly turned into 5. 🙃
I’ve spent so many hours on Google trying to find answers about my illnesses this year so I’m going to document this entire journey. I’ve already started taking notes about my experience, the costs and the result and I’m so excited to make a Notion table to organize all of this info for a series of blogs.
Part of my treatment today was an IV drip and if you haven’t had one before — just know that they make you feel like you’re on a cloud. I am FLOATING right now in the greatest way.
Before you check and see if IV drips are covered by your health insurance…
Let’s dive in!
- I’m here for educational Tequila Tik Tok. This is such a great testament to my love of tequila.
- Puh-lease listen to this podcast about how kidnapping Nigeria became so lucrative. Spoiler: celebrities on Twitter! Pop culture’s influence never ceases to amaze me.
- This a great overview of The Great Resignation which we’re in the midst of. My favorite takeaway is that the new definition of literacy is being able to learn, unlearn and relearn. PUH-REACH! That is honestly how I’ve maed it to where I am (and I used to lie on job apps and then just teach myself what I didn’t know).
- “Humans used up the earth’s available renewable resources for the year by July 29” and idk why the earth continues to allow us to be here.
- I’m so happy this female doctor was able to escape Afghanistan before shit really went down. She was threatened by the Taliban for months because she gave a 13-year-old child bride a birth control shot and her husband (if we wanna call him that) was pissed.
What’s up with me?
- Bootcamp is going wonderfully well and I love each and every person who’s a part of it. Our group calls are such love and so supportive, I can’t wait to see what magic they all create. I’m so fucking proud of them.
- I got so much work done this week and I’m so happy to be feeling like myself after last week. I can only imagine how great I’ll feel after I work with this specialist.
- I’m stuuuuck on reality TV lately and I’m not mad at it. It’s such a great guilty pleasure/reward for being the beast that I am during the daytime (I take many breaks tho).
Track of the Week
I’m not fully convinced that this is real because I have trust issues, but literally 2 decades after she passed, Aaliyah’s first album, One in a Million, is on streaming services and I cannot wait for the album, Aaliyah. It’s one of my faves of all time. In honor of this historic occasion, If Your Girl Only Knew is the track of the week.
I’m legit delirious in a great way. Just in case I haven’t convinced you yet lol, lemme reiterate how great IV drips are. Especially when you’re wildly dehydrated, but that’s a story for another day.
One thing I’ve taken from this year (slash entire pandemic) is how important a clean bill of health is even though the news would lead us to believe otherwise. With the full moon coming this Sunday, I’m thinking of some maejor things that I’m ready to release for the sake of a healthy bawd. (I haven’t had coffee in almost 2 weeks!)
TBD how that will turn out. I’m sure I’ll tell you all about it. ❤️
Stay healthy,
(Sidenote: remember last week when I mentioned the law of assumption applying to the studio that I want to stay in? I got the studio for the entire month AND for $200 less than what I budgeted. 🙌🏾)
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